Friday, April 18, 2008

Spring is Here!

Happy Spring!

Spring is a time for spring cleaning, of seeing the seeds that were planted earlier in the year start sending up new shoots, planting flowers, and celebrating the warmer, longer days! Isn't it so inspiring to be able to go out and just enjoy the beauty of nature? The birds and the plants know that it is that special time too! The birds that spent the winter in the south are coming back, most with their nuptial dresses (plumage on) ready to find a mate and start new families, the birds who braved the winter are setting up house and defining their territories by singing and letting the world know that that space is theirs. Spring is such a wonderful time of the year!

The change of season is also a time to look back at the season that just passed and reflect on how we spent the time. We will never see the winter of 2007-2008 again. Did we make it count?

When we greet the New Year and make those famous New Year's Resolutions, what we are doing is planting seeds for our year. The winter is when you decide what seeds you are going to plant, where you are going to plant them, and then prepare the soil. When spring comes we start seeing the tender shoots that our seeds have sprouted. What comes up is what we have nurtured and watered during the winter months. In order to have those seeds turn into strong plants, ready for their spring growth, we need to continue watering, pruning to get rid of any weeds that may come up, and tending those tender shoots so that they do not get overexposed to the elements.

Where are your New Year's resolutions? Have you been tending them and watching them send out new shoots or did you abandon the seeds after you initially planted them? Spring is here! It is not too late to go back to those resolutions and pick the one(s) that you are really committed to helping grow and start clearing away the weeds, start watering, and start nurturing. What you choose to do now and what you pay attention to will grow and flourish! Take time to find at least one resolution that you made this year and tend to it like you would a plant that you want to see live and grow. You will be amazed what you will have by the next season!

If you want to take one of your New Year's resolutions and see it grow into reality, contact me at (210) 492-672 or e-mail me at We can talk about your strategies for spring time!