Monday, June 05, 2006

HEALTH NEWSGRAM --Health News in Plain English

Welcome to the first Health Newsgram! This newsletter’s goal is to provide health and nutrition information in plain English. The reader will learn how foods promote health and prevent chronic diseases and will be able to incorporate what they learn to their daily diet. It will be sent out on a monthly basis.

Do we have to eat fruits and vegetables?
Are fruits and vegetables as important as the media tells us they are?

Fruits and vegetables are needed by our body to function properly. All of the cells in our body require tools to perform their daily jobs and they also need something to work on to produce the desired product.

Fruits and Vegetables provide the cells of our body with phytochemicals – plant chemicals – that are used in the body as tools and building blocks in order to build healthy cells.

There are thousands of phytochemicals in raw fruits and vegetables and they are used, in varying amounts, to build cells, strengthen the immune system, combat oxidative stress and prevent aging among other duties.

Think about phytochemicals as being the foundation to good health. The ability of a house to withstand storms, droughts, and floods is based on the strength of its foundation and the quality of the building materials that were used. Our body and our health are like a house.

We need a strong foundation of good nutrition in order to keep healthy, prevent premature aging, and withstand any virus or bacteria that we might come in contact with, and work at our peak potential. And, because we are constantly replacing old cells, we need to keep eating healthy foods to keep the new cells strong and healthy.

How are you treating your 'house'? If a 'storm' were to come up suddenly, do you think that your 'house' could withstand it? How much damage do you think it would sustain?

Quote of the Day:

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. -Hippocrates

Question of the Day:

What steps are you going to take to increase your daily intake of raw fruits and veggies? Share your answers with me. E-mail me at and I will post the most practical ways in the blog. Also if there is a topic of interest that you would like me to cover, send me an e-mail; I will cover it in one of the upcoming Health Newsgrams!

Upcoming Issue: How Broccoli helps prevent breast cancer.

Health Newsgram® is a publication of Lorna L. Engleman.

The information in this newsgram is for informational purposes only and not to be construed as medical advice. If you have any questions for Coach Lorna, please submit it to Your question will be answered in Coach Lorna’s blog at